Timor-Leste: Challenges for Justice and Human Rights in the Shadow of the Past

Timor-Leste: Challenges for Justice and Human Rights in the Shadow of the Past


Contemporary challenges for justice and human rights in the shadow of the past.



Series: Trinity College Dublin Asian Law and Human Rights Series

Editor: Professor William Binchy | Format: Hard Back | Price: €99 | ISBN 978-1-905536-21-4 | Publication Status: Available


Timor-Leste has had a troubled history and faces an uncertain future. Having experienced colonisation for centuries followed by the Indonesian occupation, with all its abuses of human rights, Timor-Leste emerged as an independent state, based on the rule of law and on respect for human rights. The last few
years have shown that no society is simple and that the complex influences of the past continue to shape political, social and cultural realities.

This book seeks to examine contemporary challenges for justice and human rights in the shadow of the past. It approaches the task from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective, conscious of the need to integrate insights not only of scholars immersed in human rights, international criminal justice and customary law, but of others whose backgrounds are in international relations, history, anthropology, demography, sociology, geography and ecology.

About the Editors

Professor William Binchy is the editor of the Quarterly Review of Tort Law, also published by Clarus Press.


Justice Systems in Historical and Cultural Perspective
1. Rod Nixon, Non-State Actors as Agents of Order:  Suco Justice and Dispute Resolution Systems in East Timor
2. Laura Grenfell, Harnessing Local Law in the Post-Conflict State: The Case of Timor-Leste
3. James T. Thomson, Justice in East Timor: Super-Naturally-Based Local Enforcement Systems Focusing on Renewable Natural Resources.

The Indonesian Occupation and Its Aftermath
4. Sarah Staveteig, How Many Persons in East Timor went ‘Missing’ During the Indonesian Occupation?: Results from Indirect Estimates
5. Dominik Zaum, Building the Rule of Law after Conflict: UNTAET and Judicial Institution Building in East Timor
6.Clinton Fernandes, The Continuity of Australian Foreign Policy towards East Timor
7. Simon Philpott, Postcolonial Troubles: The Politics of Transitional Justice in Timor-Leste
8.William Binchy, The Constitution of Timor-Leste in Comparative Perspective

International Law and Human Rights
9. Gernot Biehler, Current International Law Influences in the Government of Timor-Leste
10. Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, East Timor’s Tortured March to Statehood: The Triangle of Self-Determination, International Norms and Realpolitik
11. Clive Symmons, Denial of Self-Determination and Utilisation of Natural Resources by an Illegal Occupier of Territory: the Role of Non-Recognition in such Instances in the Light of the East Timor Case and the Situation in Western Sahara
12. Fernand de Varennes, Timor-Leste’s Language Policy: Does It Breach International Law?

13. Carolyn Graydon, Time to get Serious about Women’s Rights in Timor-Leste: Wrestling Change from the Grassroots Up
14. Susan Harris Rimmer, Beloved Madam: The Indonesian ad hoc Human Rights Court

Impunity, Truth and Reconciliation
15. Guy Cumes, Impunity, Truth and the Rule of Law: The Political Compromise of Accountability and Justice for Human Rights Atrocities in East Timor
16. Joseph Nevins, Truth, Justice and Reconciliation for East Timor in a World of Lions and Mice
17. Jeff Kingston, Human Rights, Justice and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste
18. Spencer Zifcak, Combining Community Reconciliation and Local Justice: A Modest Proposal for Reform


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